The fine print

Terms & Conditions


Too long, didn’t read. In short, this is a big-boy service. You prepare your bicycle in a standard bike box if you want us to collect at your home or office; or drop it off at a bike shop so they can box it for you. Then we send around the courier to collect and deliver to your chosen destination, a few days later. Simple as pie. Oh, and don’t forget your own insurance. When in doubt, just ask.

And now for the extended version…

How many acronyms can they use? Quickly say (with your tongue firmly in one cheek), “the T&C for TBC aka BCC is TBA and E&OE”, ie the Terms and Conditions for The Bicycle Courier or the Bicycle Courier Company, herein represented by The Bicycle Courier himself, is to be announced; with errors and omissions excepted.

Don’t worry, our terms are as easy as our booking process.

Pleased to meet you

We are an online booking portal,, from Undercomplicated Pty Ltd with Reg nr 2020/502365/07, with online persona is The Bicycle Courier and he can be emailed at Pleased to meet you.

Thanks for your business

You are the client booking your bicycle transport on this website. Thank you for your patronage. And don’t be fooled, the margins are minuscule — I do this for the love of all things cycling. Don’t take chances and always have a smile on your face 🙂

IRONMAN® disclosures

The WTC is very protective of their brand, with good reason, and we are required to disclose the following. Our services are our own and we are not in any way associated with, affiliated or endorsed by the World Triathlon Corporation.

So many trademarks: The marks IRONMAN®, IRONMAN TRIATHLON®, M-DOT®,®, IRONMAN.COM™ and 70.3® are trademarks of WTC and they reserve all their rights. Wow, that was a mouthful.

Personal info

By using our booking portal you give express consent for us to contact you about this particular booking, or a future opportunity or promotion. We hate spam as much as you do.

Cookie monster

Yes, this site may use cookies from time to time (and enjoy it even more than a hungry cyclist) and in order to be GDPR compliant we should disclose this fact, which is exactly what we are doing here.

A Network of providers

We know this and strive to take care of your bicycle as if it was our own. However, as we make use of a network or service providers and third parties, we do not take any responsibility for any damage caused to your property by using our service providers.

NO liability

We will not be liable for any action, damage, claim, theft, cost or expense that may arise directly or indirectly from anything on the part of ourselves, our agents, employees or service providers, including negligence and gross negligence. That is legal-speak for you.

Beyond our control

Further to the above we will not be liable for any claim or damages as a consequence of anything which is beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to war, strike, riot, crime, storms, floods, earthquakes, Acts of God, etc. Remember Billy Connolly?

Your bicycle

At all stages during the transport process the bicycle remains your property and we never take ownership of same. If you have a tab to settle with your local bike shop that remains between yourselves. Sounds rather obvious, we know.


Do the wise thing and remove your GPS, HRM and such. This is South Africa, after all. Unless you have a very special relationship with your LBS. Either way, this neatly brings us to insurance, read below.

NO Insurance

It remains YOUR responsibility to ensure that your bicycle it sufficiently insured, or not, while in the custody of the bike shop, ourselves or our service providers or third parties. We do not advertise insurance during the transport process and prefer not the get involved in ad hoc cover —

*But you are welcome to ask us for a formal quote for short term insurance, including vehicles, home content and off course your bicycle (or even long term insurance and life cover) through an Authorized Financial Services Provider, who will be happy to assist you.

Insurance tip

Insurance as mentioned above usually works out to about 2-3% of the value of the bike for this single trip transport, which means it is likely much cheaper to add it to your own short term insurance and specify the item, and be sure to include goods in transit if required. 

Prepaid only

In short: Payment in full and upfront, not in kind or afterwards.This is a prepaid service. We have to book accordingly, budget and keep tabs of the (seemingly ever-increasing) fuel prices. As such we require you to settle us in full before shipment may occur. 

Why? Because for boxing or making use of a network of local bicycle shops or third parties to assist us in fulfilling your order, many of them need to be pad in advance. In fact, many shops may ask for payment even before we may load your bicycle from said venue.

Ready and waiting

Please ensure that the bike is boxed and ready and waiting at the agreed upon time that you gave when booking the order. Especially if we are collecting after hours or from more remote areas. There might be surcharges when collecting after hours, or on weekends, or when you ask the driver to come back at another time.

These costs are easy to understand, ie if you book a collection from a remote area and we send a vehicle to collect and the bike is not ready or you send the driver back to return for collection on a later date then we have already incurred costs in sending out that vehicle, and may recover same from you, to which you agree when booking through #bicyclecouriers.

All amounts paid and cleared

Also ensure that you are ready to hand over the bike, ie there are no outstanding amounts to be paid for boxing the bike to the relevant bike shop or that the funds have already cleared and are showing in your account when you are selling the bike. Fraud is part and parcel of this beautiful country of ours and you need to be wide awake and ensure that you are not sending goods without having first received and cleared payment for same.

Overdue amounts at 2%

In the event that you have sent bicycle with us and have not yet paid then all overdue payments will attract interest at a rate of 2% per month and it is up to the discretion of the owners of to decide whether they will charge and enforce this interest payment or not.

In your personal capacity

By booking bicycle transport services with us and/or placing orders either online, verbally, or via email, WhatsApp, or any other means, you (the person who requested the service) and/or your company or separate legal entity (the sender) can be held liable in your personal capacity for all due payments.


If we receive no payment for due amounts then collections will be handed over to our attorneys and you will be liable for all collection costs, on top of the overdue amounts and any interest that may be added according to the clauses above.

No payment no shipment

If you haven’t paid in full and upfront, with a valid web order, and fulfilled your obligations in terms of access or information or dropping off a bicycle then we cannot proceed with the shipment and you cannot hold us liable for it.


Quotes are valid for for seven (7) days. Don’t say you have not been warned. Costs change and we cannot hold on to the same price indefinitely. Especially not on large orders. Let’s do business like in JHB, or New York, where we make quick decisions and crack on. Time is money.

Across the country

Bicycle Couriers provide bicycle transport all across Southern Africa. Locally, our main centers include the following and may change without notice:

Cape Town & Paarl, Stellenbosch & Somerset West, George, PE & East London, Durban & Pietermaritzburg, Johannesburg & Pretoria, Nelspruit & Polokwane, and Bloemfontein & Kimberley. Anywhere else is a remote area.


Our service is a pre-paid one and refunds are at our own sole discretion. If your bicycle has already been collected or transported there will be no refunds and remain liable for the amount. Obviously, seeing as the service has already been provided.

If there were special circumstances and we do decide to offer a refund then it may be subject to an admin or handling fee, especially on cards payments that have been processed and paid for by us.


If for any reason circumstances change and we cannot honour a quoted price after payment but before delivery then we may at our own discretion cancel the transaction and refund to original net amount to you the client.

Obviously this isn’t something that we want to do (and at the time of writing haven’t ever had to do), but we have mention it here to cover our butts. After all, South Africa is a wonderful country full of surprises.

Disclosed dimensions*

By booking on this site, or ordering from us via different channels, or using our bicycle couriers services, you agree and confirm that the prices are based on our standard bike box dimensions of 140x30x80cms and that oversized parcels may be billed for, once the fact becomes known, even if it is after shipment or bicycle delivery.

Please note that this is a prepaid service, but when we have to amend to final amount, even after shipment, based on a discrepancy between the disclosed dimensions and the actual dimensions, or due to other reasons, you agree to settle the difference and outstanding amount without offset or delay. And Overdue amounts may attract interest at a rate of 2 percent per month, compounded monthly. 

Boxed or not

We always recommend sending bicycles boxed, for two reasons: (A) because of the reduced dimensions it is much cheaper to send a boxed bicycle than a fully assembled one; and (B) because of the obvious safety and care for your bicycle — proper prior packaging prevents possible niggles while in transit. But in extreme cases we can make an exception and if you decide to send your bike unboxed then you agree to the below:

Inadequate packing indemnity

We (BC and services providers) will not, under any circumstances, be held liable for any damages that may occur to goods, any parcel or valuable item arising from the inadequate packaging thereof. It is the responsibility of the sender to adequately package goods to be able to endure the rigorous conditions and dangers of road, rail, sea and/ or air freight carriage, as the case may be.

I, the sender, hereby acknowledge and confirm that I was made aware by BC that due to the value, nature and fragility of my goods it should be  packaged adequately to withstand the rigors and dangers of road, rail, sea and/ or air freight carriage, as the case may be.

Accordingly, I herewith indemnify BC and its service providers from any liability whatsoever in respect of damages, direct or consequential, to my goods/valuable item, while in the custody, care and possession of BC et all, arising from the inadequate packaging of my goods/ item/ valuable item.


Even through we never had to claim —

All Insurance claims to be submitted within 15 days of occurrence. No late claims will be accepted.


We make use of third parties and services providers in our network. Herewith an example of the terms and conditions that we have to adhere to, which means this is also the terms and conditions that you have to adhere to. By payment for our services, or booking with us, you are hereby accepting our Terms & Conditions, including that of our carriers. 



Errors and omissions excepted is a phrase used in an attempt to reduce legal liability for potentially incorrect or incomplete information supplied in a contractually related document such as a quotation or specification.

Without Prejudice.

And now for so many acronyms…


British Broadcasting Corp?
Best Bicycle Couriers!


Blind Carbon Copy?
Bicycle Courier Company!


Before Christ?
Bicycle Couriers!


To Be Continued?
The Bicycle Courier!


#bicyclecourier ?
#bicyclecouriers !


Move My Bicycle?
Move Your Bicycle!


Overcomplicated Pty Ltd?
Undercomplicated Pty Ltd!


ENG: “bicycle spoke”
AFR: “die fiets het gepraat”