Cause of the Month: A Double-Munga as part of TEAM NIKA

*A person is a person, no matter how small — Dr Seuss.

Hello, my name is Nico. I’m an average-Joe cyclist who will tackle the 1000km+ Munga MTB race again this year, with good reason, and with a twist. I’m raising a R50k as part of Team Nika for underprivileged schools in need.

Last year just under R3 million was raised, and we aim to top that in 2021. Funds go to the OakTree Funanani Christian Primary School, New Schools of HOPE and the Humanitarian Empowerment Fund. But don’t let me bore you — check out this 2 min promo:

More info:

Make a difference and get a tax deduction 🙂

Give a lump sum or sponsor any amount (big or small) per km and you will get a s18A certificate for a 100% income tax deduction. EFT into the Nika bank details below or donate via online payments here.

  • Nika Capital NPC
  • FNB Branch code 204109
  • Cheque Acc nr 62809563522
  • Ref: NICOC (plus your name optional)
  • Copy mail:


OH, and to show that I am passionate about the project, I'll be doubling up and cycling from the finish in Wellington to the start of the race in BFN (for a circa 2200km ride) — making your donation go even further. Thanks in advance. Any questions? Find me on (079) 507-1231. DANKIE!
OH, and to show that I am passionate about the project, I’ll be doubling up and cycling from the finish in Wellington to the start of the race in BFN (for a circa 2200km ride) — making your donation go even further. Thanks in advance. Any questions? Find me on (079) 507-1231. DANKIE!

OH, and to show that I am passionate about the project, I'll be doubling up and cycling from the finish in Wellington to the start of the race in BFN (for a ~2200km ride). Making your donation go even further. Thanks in advance. Any questions? Find me on (079) 507-1231. DANKIE!



Live tracking is available from mid-next week, provided by Sat4Rent. They even courier it to your door and help with the setup. This one is set to update in 5 minute intervals. PLUS: Scott from Trackleaders kindly organised that the dot for the leg UP to BFN will also show on the official MUNGA MTB 2021 tracking page below:




Some inspiration for a great adventure…

Long rides and Lauf forks, a News24 writeup with extracts from last years’ Munga:

Lachlan Morton is also entered for this years’ Munga and you can find him between the Strava Pro’s at

Hansie Joubert won the 2020 Munga in fine fashion and here is the STRAVA entry for his winning ride:

This link includes a route map showing all the Munga race villages (RV) and water points (WP) along the way at

SPOT tracker sorted — did you know that you can rent them from as little as R100 per day from Available in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana! Thanks so much for your prompt assistance Shana Coetzee and Sat4Rent team 🙂

THE ROUTE UP: Alex says some of the gates and private land will be closed off until the Munga and therefore the general direction is the same but I miss out on some of the best bits by sticking to the larger district roads.

Rough idea of daily distances:
D1 — Sutherland (285 & 3600m)
D2 — Pampoen (265 & 1400m)
D3 — V/d/kloof (300 & 1200m)
D4 — Windmill (215 & 1500m)

And RWGPS links:

Hats off to Scott Morris from and the team at for arranging for my dot for to be displayed on the official Munga TL page during the UP-leg of this ride…

Why is this important? Because without their help there would have only been a dot on a map, sans any GPX file route line to follow, which is not the most entertaining version for dotwatching.

Going UP will be solo and unsupported (no water points), so I will be taking a hybrid of the official Munga route, and the one that the support vehicles follow. Plus who knows what will happen and where I might find myself, I hope all points North-East. Either way, we’ll have an adventure of note 🙂

Oh, and during the race (DOWN) I will be switching trackers, using theirs to come back home, while this unit goes back to Shana at

Remember, we’re doing this for the children, because they are the future. And every contribution has a huge ripple effect going forward.

Sharing is caring 🙂 By just passing on this link you are already doing me a huge favour, because of Six degrees of separation (the idea that all people are six or fewer social connections away from each other). As a result, you could friend-of-a-friend to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps…

MUNGA 2021 ROUTE FILES // I use a Garmin Etrex and they tend to work better using smaller file-sizes for navigation, ie less than 300kms or smaller than 1mb each, so I’ve gone and split up the Munga 2021 final route as per Alex’s email this morning into the following…

RV1 — Vanderkloof (224km & 2800m)
RV2 — Britstown (178km & 2000m)
RV3 — Jakhalsdans (196km & 2800m)
RV4 — Sutherland (213 km & 2000m)
RV5 — Ceres (251km & 3400m)
RV6 — Doolhof (91km & 1800m)

Altogether it is 1154km & 6150m and you can download the individual GPX or FIT files from:


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