WIN: FREE Bicycle Transport, every month

WIN FREE Bicycle Transport, with Bicycle Couriers

Just share on your favourite social media platform “I am using #bicyclecouriers” (and tag ie @bicyclecouriers on Facebook) and you could win a free bicycle couriers trip. It’s that simple. Oh, and whether you say “I AM using #bicyclecouriers” or “I’m using #bicyclecouriers” makes no difference to us, as long as you are indeed using bicycle couriers or intend to do so 🙂

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I’m using #bicyclecouriers

  • Win a monthly prize. Whether you have already used our service before or have booked your bicycle transport for a future date, stand a chance to win FREE bicycle transport each and every month with Bicycle Couriers right here.
  • How to win bicycle transport. All you have to do is share on social media that “I am using #bicyclecouriers” (or @bicyclecouriers on FB if you prefer) and do include photo, preferably something cycling related. Don’t overthink it; just a pic of a bicycle or where you are riding (or want to ride).
  • You decide the prize. We’ll draw a winner every month and you can pick your own prize. Choose from (A) door-to-door; (B) bicycle transport to or from a bike shop; or (C) bicycle transport to a remote location in South Africa. Valued at up to R1000. 

WIN with Bicycle Couriers

Just for some background. Where did the idea come from? I was walking around in Cape Garden Centre outside of Stellenbosch towards Somerset West this weekend. And they had a small sign up that said tag us and win R500. And I thought, great, let’s do this. I’d happily give away a monthly prize of up to R1000 for people sharing the love. Plus I don’t like spending time on social media. Hence this could be a great way to get some traction. Therefor go go go happy #bicyclecouriers customers.

The small print. T&C. And E&OE. Winners announced monthly. Judge’s decision is final. Prize valid for 1 year. It may not be transferred. We will contact winners on social media or email. And may be posted on our list of monthly winners on the website. 

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